NewWad 1.0 (originally pcx2wad by daniel gilliland); Modified by Christopher Wise NewWad is a program to add textures in pcx, bmp or lbm formats to the WAD2 files that are used by qbsp. NewWad is my modification to PCX2WAD 0.98 by daniel gilliland. pcx2wad now performs anti-aliasing on the smaller mipmaps using a 2 dimensional sinc function. The original text file by daniel gilliland follows my text. New: NewWad can now update a wad file as well as creating a new one. Use the same way, if you specify a wad file name that already exists the file will be appended. Your script file should contain only the new entries if you are appending the file. WARNING: MAKE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR WAD FILES AS THIS PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN EXTENSIVELY TESTED AND COMES WITH NO GUARANTEE. If the program exits with an error during the script reading process the original wad file should be untouched. However if there is an error during the writing procedure the wad file will be corrupted, so keep a backup copy of your wad file. Limitations: You can't add a picture that is bigger than 320x200. The program assumes that the imput picture uses the quake palette. If you input an image with a different palette you will get strange results. You should use a program such as paint shop pro to convert your image to the quake palette. Remember to only use the first 240 colours if you don't want fullbright colours in the texture. The sub images only use the first 240 colours unless there is a direct match to a fullbright colour (palette entries 240 to 254) or the transparent colour (palette entry 255). You should only use the fullbright colours if you want something that is bright under all lighting conditions (eg. a fluorescent light). The imput image MUST have dimensions that are a multiple of 16 pixels. The program crashes if an error is encountered. A valid wad file is only created if no errors are encountered so you must fix the error in the script file or source images and rerun the program. History: 0.99 I was going to write a complete utility but then I saw this program and it's source and thought 'why reinvent the wheel?'. Given that daniel gilliland wrote that he did not intend to update the program I decided to do it myself. I had already written the decimation routine so I just slotted it into the source and recompiled. 1.0 I have added the ability to update an existing wad file as well as create a new wad file. I have removed the ability to add a palette lump as the anti-aliasing routine only uses the quake palette. I don't think a palette lump is required for qbsp. Email: Contact me (Christopher Wise) at Feel free to ask questions. I would like feedback if the program doesn't work properly. I will try to fix any bugs, time permitting and may add new features. I hope this program is of use to level creators. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Original text file by daniel gilliland follows --------------------------------------------------------------------- New - version .98 ( source included in ... originally compiled with djgpp ) now supports pcx/bmp/lbm formats. -- also supports palette entries. to add a palette, just make an entry with the palette file and a wadname of 'palette'.. like so: -------------------------- qpal.pal palette -------------------------- and the file will be written to the wad as a palette. also handles comments... to add a comment in a script file, just use '//' as you would in programming... like so: -------------------------- qpal.pal palette // this is the palette file -------------------------- I *think* it works. I'm very bad about thorough testing :) another note: if the program exits with an error, the .wad file will be incomplete ( there will be no wad directory in the file ) ... so uh.. don't try to use the wad until it pcx2wad makes it all the way through. =========================================== okay, this is a very easy program to operate -- simply make a script file for pcx2wad.. for example: ----script.txt----- tech06_2.pcx TECH06_2 stairs.lbm STAIRS crate0~1.bmp CRATE ------------------- note: pcx2wad only requires that the filename and the image's wad name be located on the same line, with whitespace in between. a new line must be used for each file and image-name pair. by running "pcx2wad script.txt wadfile.wad", a file called 'wadfile.wad' would be created, and it would contain 3 mip textures: TECH06_2, STAIRS, and CRATE. Use these names in .map files to specify which texture you want each face to have. when creating images, remember to use widths and heights that are multiples of 16 ... also use quake's palette to create the images, since that will be the palette used in the level, NOT the palette contained within the files. there seems to have been some confusion with sky textures. some have said that they do not work, but myself i didn't have any trouble. ( please correct me if the instructions below do not work ) make a 256x128 bitmap, and use the left 128x128 portion for the partially transparent part of the sky (fast-moving, lower clouds), and the right 128x128 portion for the further, slow-moving, solid cloud texture. i'm pretty sure the color index 0 is used for transparency. in case you're wondering, this program merely resamples the images at lower resolutions in order to create the mip textures. while this defeats the true purpose of mip-mapping, it gets the job done. i'm sorry about all the horribly-aliased textures that will probably be created as a result of using this program, but i really need to get started on other things. ( specifically a new 3ds->map converter ) oh! another note: fullbright colors are the last 32 in the palette ( pretty sure about this ) ... stay away from them unless you want a particular part of your bitmap to remain fully lighted at all times. email with any comments or suggestions (this is probably the last major modification i will make to this program)